The Wisconsin immunization law requires children in licensed day care centers and students through grade 12 to be immunized against certain diseases according to their age or grade level. Students must provide dates of immunizations upon admission to school, or be subject to exclusion or legal action. Immunizations are available for both children and adults.Immunizing your children is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Since childhood diseases are especially dangerous for infants, it is important to start your child’s immunizations on time, usually at birth or 2 months of age.There are safe and effective vaccines that work to protect children and communities against preventable diseases. A new documentary addresses the importance of vaccines by exploring the 30-year history of St. Paul-based Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) and its founder and executive director, Dr. Deborah Wexler.•“Protecting Health: Saving Lives” is now available to watch on the IAC website.•2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Infant and Children.•2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Pre Teens •2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Adults
Adult Vaccines
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule.There Are Vaccines You Need as an Adult.Flu vaccines for adults are only covered for Medicare recipients. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare supplement, you must pay for your Flu vaccination upfront and send in your receipt for reimbursement to your Medicare Advantage Plan/Supplement provider. Unfortunately, we do not bill private insurance companies at this time.Tdap for adults may only be administered among uninsured and under-insured adults. Tdap is a vaccine that provides protection against the bacterial diseases of tetanus (Lockjaw), diphtheria, and pertussis (Whooping Cough) which are very serious diseases. Tdap vaccine is also recommended for pregnant women in order to protect newborn babies against pertussis.VACCINES AVAILABLE FOR ADULTS (ages 19 and up)•Tetanus – Diptheria - Pertussis (Tdap) - May only be administered among uninsured and under-insured adults.•Influenza (Injectable) $40
Vaccines for Children
I protect. I defend. I vaccinate.All immunizations for children 18 and under are free if the child is a Medicaid participant, does not have insurance or if the family’s private insurance doesn’t cover vaccines. Information and consent forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. If children are coming to the clinic with another person, please ask to have the forms sent to you prior to the clinic visit.GENERAL INFORMATIONMany serious diseases can be prevented by immunizations. The Florence County Health Department provides a wide range of childhood and adult immunizations at scheduled community immunization clinics as well as by appointment at the health department.CHILDRENThe Wisconsin immunization law requires children in licensed day care centers and students through grade 12 to be immunized against certain diseases according to their age or grade level. Students must provide dates of immunizations upon admission to school, or be subject to exclusion or legal action. Immunizations are available for both children and adults.Immunizing your children is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Since childhood diseases are especially dangerous for infants, it is important to start your child’s immunizations on time, usually at birth or 2 months of age.VACCINES AVAILABLE FOR CHILDREN•Rotavirus•Diptheria – Tetanus – Pertussis (DTaP)•Tetanus-acellular pertussis- diptheria (Tdap)•Polio (IPV)•Haemophilus b (Hib)•Hepatitis B (Hep B)•Measles – Mumps – Rubella (MMR)•Varicella (Chickenpox)•Pneumococcal Conjugate•Meningococcal Conjugate•Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)•InfluenzaInteractive Immunization e-Book.
The Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) is an electronic database developed to keep track of immunization records and help Wisconsin residents follow the recommended schedule. It helps providers remind patients when immunizations are due. The Health Department uses the WIR to record immunizations given, to assist clients and medical providers in determining immunization status, and to track immunization rates for the community. The WIR also allows parents to access their child’s immunization record online.Age/Grade Requirements•Pre-K (ages 2 through 4 yrs) - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 3 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 1 dose - Varicella 1 dose•5K Kindergarten through 5th grade - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 4 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 2 doses - Varicella 2 doses•6th through 12th grade - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 4 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 2 doses - Varicella 2 doses - Tdap 1 doseDTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis) | MMR (Measles, Mumps &Rubella) | Varicella (Chicken Pox)More information on Wisconsin School Immunization Requirement is available at: Wisconsin School Immunization.
The following websites are reliable sources of immunization information: National Center for Immunizations.Contains answers to many frequently asked questions. Vaccine information statements can be accessed and printed from this site, along with current recommended vaccination schedules for children and adults.Created by the American Academy of Pediatrics this is an immunization website for parents and health professionals with up-to-date info and recommendations on vaccines.Direction on how to access immunization records online through the Wisconsin Immunization Registry.
The Wisconsin immunization law requires children in licensed day care centers and students through grade 12 to be immunized against certain diseases according to their age or grade level. Students must provide dates of immunizations upon admission to school, or be subject to exclusion or legal action. Immunizations are available for both children and adults.Immunizing your children is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Since childhood diseases are especially dangerous for infants, it is important to start your child’s immunizations on time, usually at birth or 2 months of age.There are safe and effective vaccines that work to protect children and communities against preventable diseases. A new documentary addresses the importance of vaccines by exploring the 30-year history of St. Paul-based Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) and its founder and executive director, Dr. Deborah Wexler.•“Protecting Health: Saving Lives” is now available to watch on the IAC website.•2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Infant and Children.•2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Pre Teens •2020 Immunization Schedule Recommended for Adults
Adult Vaccines
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule.There Are Vaccines You Need as an Adult.Flu vaccines for adults are only covered for Medicare recipients. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare supplement, you must pay for your Flu vaccination upfront and send in your receipt for reimbursement to your Medicare Advantage Plan/Supplement provider. Unfortunately, we do not bill private insurance companies at this time.Tdap for adults may only be administered among uninsured and under-insured adults. Tdap is a vaccine that provides protection against the bacterial diseases of tetanus (Lockjaw), diphtheria, and pertussis (Whooping Cough) which are very serious diseases. Tdap vaccine is also recommended for pregnant women in order to protect newborn babies against pertussis.VACCINES AVAILABLE FOR ADULTS (ages 19 and up)•Tetanus – Diptheria - Pertussis (Tdap) - May only be administered among uninsured and under-insured adults.•Influenza (Injectable) $40
Vaccines for Children
I protect. I defend. I vaccinate.All immunizations for children 18 and under are free if the child is a Medicaid participant, does not have insurance or if the family’s private insurance doesn’t cover vaccines. Information and consent forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. If children are coming to the clinic with another person, please ask to have the forms sent to you prior to the clinic visit.GENERAL INFORMATIONMany serious diseases can be prevented by immunizations. The Florence County Health Department provides a wide range of childhood and adult immunizations at scheduled community immunization clinics as well as by appointment at the health department.CHILDRENThe Wisconsin immunization law requires children in licensed day care centers and students through grade 12 to be immunized against certain diseases according to their age or grade level. Students must provide dates of immunizations upon admission to school, or be subject to exclusion or legal action. Immunizations are available for both children and adults.Immunizing your children is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Since childhood diseases are especially dangerous for infants, it is important to start your child’s immunizations on time, usually at birth or 2 months of age.VACCINES AVAILABLE FOR CHILDREN•Rotavirus•Diptheria – Tetanus – Pertussis (DTaP)•Tetanus-acellular pertussis- diptheria (Tdap)•Polio (IPV)•Haemophilus b (Hib)•Hepatitis B (Hep B)•Measles – Mumps – Rubella (MMR)•Varicella (Chickenpox)•Pneumococcal Conjugate•Meningococcal Conjugate•Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)•InfluenzaInteractive Immunization e-Book.
The Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) is an electronic database developed to keep track of immunization records and help Wisconsin residents follow the recommended schedule. It helps providers remind patients when immunizations are due. The Health Department uses the WIR to record immunizations given, to assist clients and medical providers in determining immunization status, and to track immunization rates for the community. The WIR also allows parents to access their child’s immunization record online.Age/Grade Requirements•Pre-K (ages 2 through 4 yrs) - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 3 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 1 dose - Varicella 1 dose•5K Kindergarten through 5th grade - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 4 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 2 doses - Varicella 2 doses•6th through 12th grade - DTaP 4 doses - Polio 4 doses - Hepatitis B 3 doses - MMR 2 doses - Varicella 2 doses - Tdap 1 doseDTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis) | MMR (Measles, Mumps &Rubella) | Varicella (Chicken Pox)More information on Wisconsin School Immunization Requirement is available at: Wisconsin School Immunization.
The following websites are reliable sources of immunization information: National Center for Immunizations.Contains answers to many frequently asked questions. Vaccine information statements can be accessed and printed from this site, along with current recommended vaccination schedules for children and adults.Created by the American Academy of Pediatrics this is an immunization website for parents and health professionals with up-to-date info and recommendations on vaccines.Direction on how to access immunization records online through the Wisconsin Immunization Registry.